河道拦截浮筒拦污排厂家 海岸拦污浮体
- 品牌:环海
- 价格: 面议
- 产品型号:200*1000(齐全可定制)
- 原产地:浙江
- 产品数量:12345
- 产品关键字: 河道拦污排
- 所属行业: 工农业用塑料制品
- 发布时间:2023/7/31 14:45:46
品牌 | 环海 |
型号 | 200*1000(齐全可定制) |
公司性质 | 私营企业 |
所在区域 | 浙江宁波市 |
所在行业 | 工农业用塑料制品 |
河道拦截浮筒拦污排厂家 海岸拦污浮体
1. 船只运输 船只要持证作业,船上施工设备要有防火措施,救援设备;
2. 电动工具使用 使用前认真检查,不合格的工具禁止使用,使用时必须配带好防护用品,做好防触措施;
3. 气割作业 氧气、乙炔瓶必须正确放置并足够的安全距离,操作人员必须有相应的资质;
4. 电焊作业 电焊机外壳必须可靠接地,开关板必须安装漏电器,电焊线不得裸露。操作人员必须有相应的资质;
5. 高空作业 上下直爬梯必须使用防坠器,佩戴好安全带。高空作业,必须按规定使用安全带、工具袋,禁止上下投掷工具或材料;
6. 水上作业 水上作业时需租船作业,作业人员需穿好救生衣。
4.将浮筒+钢板+拦污网固定后,穿上钢丝绳,将其用卡扣固定锁牢即可。每个浮筒距离20cm,水下拦污网底部需加配重物,建议50公分一个水泥块即可; (如图所示)
Reducing floating grass logistics to urban rivers has been a research topic of the water conservancy department for many years. Through a large number of experiments and researches, the bureau decided to adopt the scheme of botai self-floating pollution prevention and control buoy from the source. Since most of the reservoir channels in the city are the source of drinking water in the city, the sewerage rope can effectively control the floating objects from the peripheral channels into the urban area. For this, water conservancy bureau sent special person to zhejiang baitai to buy stop dirt rope and small-sized buoy technically. This year, stop fouling buoy and plastic prevent fouling to discharge installation is finished, produce effect formally. After field hydrological survey before install, drain grating line set place is located in the bottom of the river elevation higher position, in addition to being able to effectively intercept by upstream of large aquatic plants, floats, also play a warning role, avoid passing vessels ran aground, zhejiang BaiTai drain grating buoy it has a real one content is multi-purpose, the new block the dirt of the save Labour when the row of great significance.
- 宁波柏泰塑料科技有限公司
- 联系人:胡文强
- 电话:057486652295
- 手机:18906699917
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- 邮箱:420054626@qq.com
- 地址:浙江宁波市宁波市镇海区骆驼街道顺业街1号14-4室